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Date : 2019-11-05
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Facts Dont Care About Your Feelings PragerU ~ Facts don’t care about your feelings Author and political commentator Ben Shapiro points out that “facts don’t care about your feelings” yet today many people attempt to elevate subjective feelings over objective facts This is particularly evident on college campuses where “the truth is a microaggression” View source
VISION Magazine My Facts Care About Your Feelings ~ Ben Shapiro’s famous catchphrase “Facts don’t care about your feelings” can be purchased printed on mugs shirts and even ’s become a statement for conservative Americans who feel cowed into silence by what they see as an oppressive culture of political correctness
Facts Care About Your Feelings Pop Chassid ~ This is what the statement “Facts don’t care about your feelings” comes down to It’s a declaration by a human being that it is possible to not be human to ever be able to see truth in a way that transcends emotion But the reality is that if you are human you have feelings
Facts Dont Care About Your Feelings ~ Facts are reliable feelings are not Facts are more important than feelings But we live in a postmodernist culture The truth isn’t the truth anymore Facts are offensive now Science is hatespeech now We are increasingly interpreting the world around us through feelings not facts Postmodernism threatens to make facts obsolete Therefore although facts don’t care about feelings people do
Facts Dont Care About Your Feelings ~ That wake up call is this Facts do not never have and never will care about your feelings The thing about facts is that they are unbiased Facts are based on undeniable things like science and observable evidence This means that they cannot be biased toward one side or another and still be a fact
Do facts care about your feelings Quora ~ Generally facts do not care about feelings however if the fact in question is in fact about a certain person’s feelings then the fact may care about that particular feeling however if that person with that feeling feels that the fact about his feeling is wrong then the fact will not care about that person’s feelings
Facts Dont Care About Your Feelings ~ Why does it seem as if Americas college campuses have totally lost it Well because they have In short feelings now rule facts and victims are heroes But heres a fact If youre a college
FACTS DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS Speech is not violence ~ Do you feel that your speech can incite violence JUST WATCH Ben Shapiro respond to this Watch more onlyatYAF videos every day FACTS DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS Speech is not
Feelings Aren’t Facts Psychology Today ~ Emotions are at the core of our motivation they are our muses and they are why we continue on with life even in the face of disappointment or disaster You may know many emotional people and
Why dont facts care about your feelings Quora ~ Facts are merciless They don’t care about your feelings You may try to align your life decisions with as many facts as possible but ultimately there is going to be a fact which you cannot align with
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