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Saturday, October 12, 2019

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Date : 2018-09-21

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About the Project Disrupting the Digital Humanities ~ Disrupting the Digital Humanities is an essay collection forthcoming from punctum books and edited by Dorothy Kim and Jesse Stommel Several of the featured authors participated in a roundtable discussion at the 2015 Modern Languages Association

Disrupting the Digital Humanities ~ Disrupting the Digital Humanities seeks to rethink how we map disciplinary terrain by directly confronting the gatekeeping impulse of many other socalled fielddefining collections What is most beautiful about the work of the Digital Humanities is exactly the fact that it can’t be tidily anthologized

Disrupting the Digital Humanities – punctum books ~ Disrupting the Digital Humanities seeks to rethink how we map disciplinary terrain by directly confronting the gatekeeping impulse of many other socalled fielddefining collections What is most beautiful about the work of the Digital Humanities is exactly the fact that it can’t be tidily anthologized

Project MUSE Disrupting the Digital Humanities ~ Disrupting the Digital Humanities seeks to rethink how we map disciplinary terrain by directly confronting the gatekeeping impulse of many other socalled fielddefining collections What is most beautiful about the work of the Digital Humanities is exactly the fact that it can’t be tidily anthologized

Digital Edition Disrupting the Digital Humanities ~ Disrupting the Digital Humanities is an essay collection forthcoming from Punctum Books and edited by Dorothy Kim and Jesse Stommel Contributors Fiona Barnett Kathi Inman Berens Rick Godden Jonathan Hsy Spencer D C Keralis Dorothy Kim Eunsong Kim Adeline Koh Sean Michael Morris Élika Ortega Angel David Nieves Annemarie Perez Roopika Risam Jentery Sayers

Disrupting the Digital Humanities Project MUSE ~ disrupting the digital humanities tant for if we are to diversify the digital humanities there must be room for multiple solutions to every problem But first let me take a step back and explain my disenchantment with the currently ubiquitous form of disruption Clayton Christensen’s notion of disruptive innovation Christensen is a

Disrupting the Digital Humanities Project MUSE ~ disrupting the digital humanities Disrupting the Digital Humanities seeks to rethink how we map disciplinary terrain by directly confronting the gatekeep ing impulse of many other socalled fielddefining collections

Disrupting the Digital Humanities Project MUSE ~ Disrupting the Digital Humanities DorothyKim JesseStommel Published by Punctum Books DorothyKim and JesseStommel Disrupting the Digital Humanities

Disrupting the Digital Humanities Project MUSE ~ 1nnemarie Pérez “Lowriding through the Digital Humanities” A Disrupting the Digital Humanities Digital Edition 6 January 2016 268 disrupting the digital humanities fortable enough to follow along with these conversations and occasionally even chime in on the latest DH topic of the week

Disrupting the Digital Humanities ~ disrupting the digital humanities the part of those attempting to deflect and dismiss criticism of practices to which they have so fiercely allied themselves comes instead from a collective defensiveness driven in part by a very real desire to ensure that digital work within the humanities is valued and recognized

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