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All About Fish Kidzone ~ Fish are a class of aquatic vertebrates The combination of gills fins and the fact that they live only in the water make fish different from all other animals Fish spend all of their lives in the water and are coldblooded with the exception of Tuna family and the Mackerel shark family
What makes a fish a fish Monterey Bay Aquarium ~ major vertebrate groups All fish are classified into one of three groups jawless bony or cartilaginous sharks and rays What makes a fish a fish Fish have many characteristics and adaptations to help them survive in water Fish are vertebrates animals with backbones Most are coldblooded animals that live in either fresh or sea water They have fins and breathe using gills Many have scales
What Makes A Fish A Fish Common Characteristics of Fishes ~ If it makes you feel better here is a little more concrete definition of a fish A fish is any of a large group of coldblooded finned aquatic vertebrates that respire by passing oxygenated water over gills If you apply this definition to whale sharks manta rays moray eels groupers
Fish for Kids Learn all about aquatic and ocean marine life ~ What makes a fish a fish All fish are coldblooded animals that live in the water They have backbones fins and gills Types of Fish Fish come in more varieties than any other group of vertebrate animals There are 32000 different species of fish There are three major types or classes of fish including jawless cartilaginous and bony fish An example of a jawless fish is the lamprey eel Sharks are cartilaginous fish and the blue marlin is a bony fish
What Are the Three Classes of Fish Lesson for Kids ~ There are thousands of species of fish which are divided into three large groups or classes The oldest class of fish the Superclass Agnatha includes lampreys and hagfish Unlike the agnathans the fish in the chondrichthyes class have jaws made of cartilage these fish include sharks rays and chimaeras
Fish Groups – Discover Fishes ~ This class contains fish such as the coelacanths and the lungfishes along with all terrestrial vertebrates from cows to humans The second class is the Actinopterygii and contains fish such as gars sturgeons bowfins and the very large group of fishes known as the telelosts
Classification of Living Things Classes of Vertebrates ~ Three of the vertebrate classes are fish The most primitive of these is Agnatha It consists of jawless fish that do not have scale s These are the lampreys and hagfish Fish that have skeletons consisting of hard rubberlike cartilage rather than bone are members of the class Chondrichthyes These are the sharks and rays
Animal Classes Kidzone ~ Scientists have grouped animals into classes to make it easier to study them There are many different animal classes and every animal in the world belongs to one of them The five most well known classes of vertebrates animals with backbones are mammals birds fish reptiles amphibians
What is a fish ~ The cyprinid fish 8mm and the whale shark 12m are some of the smallest and largest fish in the sea At first this might seem like an easy question to answer but it is difficult to define what makes a fish a fish because there is so much diversity among animals that we consider to be fishes
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