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Olive Wikipedia ~ The olive tree Olea europaea is an evergreen tree or shrub native to the Mediterranean Asia and is short and squat and rarely exceeds 8–15 m 26–49 ft in height Pisciottana a unique variety comprising 40000 trees found only in the area around Pisciotta in the Campania region of southern Italy often exceeds this with correspondingly large trunk diameters
Olive Garden Italian Restaurant Family Style Dining ~ Welcome to Olive Garden Italian Restaurants Stop by today and enjoy family style dining and fresh Italian food at our local restaurants
Olive Definition of Olive by MerriamWebster ~ Olive definition is a Mediterranean evergreen tree Olea europaea of the family Oleaceae the olive family cultivated for its drupaceous fruit that is an important food and source of oil also the fruit How to use olive in a sentence
Olive Uses Side Effects Interactions Dosage and Warning ~ Overview Information Olive is a tree People use the oil from the fruit and seeds water extracts of the fruit and the leaves to make medicine
Olive definition of olive by The Free Dictionary ~ ol·ive ŏl′ĭv n 1 a A widely cultivated evergreen tree Olea europaea native to the Mediterranean region having fragrant white flowers graygreen lanceshaped leathery leaves and edible fruit with oilrich flesh surrounding a hard stone b The small oval fruit of this tree usually changing in color from green to black as it ripens used
Olive Professional OpenSource Video Editor ~ What is Olive Olive is a free nonlinear video editor aiming to provide a fullyfeatured alternative to highend professional video editing software
olive Magazine Recipes and Travel and Restaurant Tips ~ olive magazine recipes are tripletested seasonal recipes from our expert cookery team plus expert restaurant reviews and olive magazine foodie travel ideas
Meet Olive Healthcares Digital Employee AI For ~ Olive makes healthcare more efficient and affordable by automating repetitive workflows using artificial intelligence and robotic process automation Through healthcare technology and a digital workforce Olive improves efficiency and reduces costs Olive the leader in RPA and AI for Healthcare
11 Proven Benefits of Olive Oil ~ Olive oil is the natural oil extracted from olives the fruit of the olive tree About 14 of the oil is saturated fat whereas 11 is polyunsaturated such as omega6 and omega3 fatty acids
Specials Olive Garden Italian Restaurant ~ View our Olive Garden specials today Browse our lunch specials deals more prior to your visit
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