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Date : 2019-11-19
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Recipes for the Mind — Terra Nova Press ~ Recipes for the Mind is not a work intended to satisfy the hunger but rather one designed to stimulate the appetite” —from the foreword by John P O’Grady ©2018 Terra Nova Press
Recipes for the Mind Terra Nova Press ~ Recipes for the Mind is a return to words photographs and a book―things that can be enjoyed almost anywhere Lindsay reflects on art technology consumption neardeath experiences encounters with the wild psychedelics time travel failure and courage
Recipes for the Mind The MIT Press ~ Recipes for the Mind is a return to words photographs and a book—things that can be enjoyed almost anywhere Lindsay reflects on art technology consumption neardeath experiences encounters with the wild psychedelics time travel failure and courage
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The Mind of a Chef About ~ The Mind of a Chef combines cooking travel history humor art and science into a cinematic journey each episode capturing another glorious flicker from the mind of its subject and focusing on what it truly means to cook think create and live in the foodobsessed world that is The Mind of a Chef
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