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Monday, November 11, 2019

Get The Billy The Kid's Bad Bucks Hoax: Faking Billy Bonney As A William Brockway Gang Counterfeiter for Free

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The Billy The Kid’s Bad Bucks Hoax Faking Billy Bonney as ~ But arguably the strangest hoax to be spawned by this continuum of historical hijacking is the recent “Billy the Kid’s Bad Bucks” hoax about a ruthless despicable informermurdering counterfeiting Billy the Kid in cahoots with his day’s worst criminals robbermurderer Jesse James and diabolically clever counterfeiter William Brockway

Billy the Kids Bad Bucks – True West Magazine ~ The owner of the store forwarded the fake bill to the Secret Service and the agency dispatched Operative Azariah Wild to New Mexico Wild walked in on Dolan unannounced catching him with bad bucks in his safe Dolan was forced to do what crooks do he lied claiming he was holding the money for Billy Wilson who rode with the Kid

The Famous Coroner’s Jury Report of Billy The Kid The ~ It takes only one document to destroy all the Billy the Kid imposter hoaxes the July 15 1881 Coroner’s Jury Report of William Bonney aka Billy the Kid This book documents that famous inquest and Report and exposes imposter hoaxes denying it

The Coroners Jury Report of Billy The Kid The Inquest ~ The Billy The Kids Bad Bucks Hoax Faking Billy Bonney As A William Brockway Gang Counterfeiter

Statement adds twist to Billy the Kid saga Technology ~ Overton’s sworn statement was offered as evidence for exhuming the body of the Kid’s mother Catherine Antrim to compare her DNA with that of a Texas man who claimed until his death in 1950 that he was William Bonney known in Western lore as Billy the Kid

Billy the Kid Wikipedia ~ Bonney avoided further violence until January 10 1880 when he shot and killed Joe Grant a newcomer to the area at Hargroves Saloon in Fort Sumner New Mexico The Santa Fe Weekly New Mexican reported Billy Bonney more extensively known as the Kid shot and killed Joe Grant The origin of the difficulty was not learned

Billy the Kids Real Name was Not William H Bonney ~ Myth Billy the Kid’s real name was William H Bonney William H Bonny is actually another alias of Billy the Kid used during the height of his notoriety but it is not generally considered his real name Throughout his life several different names were associated with this 19th century outlaw and gunman including William Henry McCarty Jr – Billy the Kid’s official birth name

Billys Ring Found Brushy Bill Billy The Kid Message ~ I told her I didn’t “That’s William Bonney” she said “Billy the Kid” She said Bonney was on his way to see his daughter in Fort Sumner Molly said they use to hide him when he would come by their place they had a bedroom he would stay in when he would ride through Molly said Bonney’s now had grandkids

Facts vs Myth About Billy the Kid ~ Myth Billy the Kid was born on November 23 1859 in New York City Fact Ash Upson one of the men greatly responsible for the myth of Billy the Kid gave this date when he wrote majority of Pat Garrett’s biography The Authentic Life of Billy the Kid and might I add that the November 23rd date happens to be Upsons birth date too coincidence

Quotes of Billy the Kid His Friends and Enemies ~ Of course you know George I never meant for those birds to reach Lincoln aliveBilly the Kid to George Coe in regards to the deaths of Frank Baker and Billy Morton Advise persons never to engage in killingBilly the Kid to a reporter after his capture at Stinking Springs

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