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Obelisks Towers of Power The Mysterious Purpose of ~ Egyptologists tell us that obelisks are granite towers that symbolize a ray of the sun―a megalithic symbol of the Sun God Ra later to be called Aton Some obelisks weigh over 500 tons and are massive blocks of polished granite that would be extremely difficult to quarry and erect even with modern equipment
Obelisks Towers of Power The Mysterious Purpose of ~ Childress looks into the enigma of obelisks and their purpose Egyptologists tell us that obelisks are granite towers that symbolize a ray of the sun—a megalithic symbol of the Sun God Ra later to be called Aton Some obelisks weigh over 500 tons and are massive blocks of polished granite that would be extremely difficult to quarry and erect even with modern equipment
Obelisks Towers of Power The Mysterious Purpose of ~ Buy the Paperback Book Obelisks Towers of Power The Mysterious Purpose of Obelisks by David Childress at Canadas largest bookstore Get Free Shipping on books over 25 Ancient obelisks were energy towers David Childress popular author and star of the History Channels show Ancient Aliens brings us a stunning tale of archeological investigation on a megalithic scale
OBELISKS Towers of Power ~ OBELISKS Towers of Power David Hatcher Childress Takes the reader on an amazing journey through the history of the obelisk and its probable purpose as an energy tower
Giant Underwater Obelisks Or Towers Discovered At The ~ Giant Underwater Obelisks Or Towers Discovered At The Exact Opposite Side From The Great Pyramid Some researchers claiming that ancient pyramids megalithic sites and obelisks are still active receiving power from a variety of sources including the Sun the earth’s energy field grid system or to transmit energy from one structure to another
Stone Obelisks Towers Crystal Gemstone Shop ~ Gemstone towers and obelisks are a classic way to showcase the beauty of gemstones from around the world They make perfect gifts for the office or home as well as being essential as part of a crystal grid or crystal healing practices
Obeliskswhat are they for do they represent something ~ The power of Freemasonry is all to evident when we see that they have erected obelisks in London Paris New York and of course towering over the White House is the Washington monument erected in honour of Freemason George Washington Egyptian Obelisk is 10 times higher than its width so for instance the Washington obelisk is 555 feet tall and 55 wide at the base
7 Fascinating Facts About Obelisks Mental Floss ~ 3 TRUE OBELISKS ARE MADE OF A SINGLE PIECE OF STONE True obelisks as conceived by the ancient Egyptians are “monolithic” or made from a single piece of stone The literal translation of monolith—a Greek word—is “one stone” On that note the word “obelisk” is also Greek derived from obeliskos or skewer
Egypts Obelisks Part Of An Ancient Energy System ~ The obelisks of Egypt are believed by many to be artifacts of the Dynastic Egyptians
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